Reconstruction in progress …

I had to move to a new host after the website went offline for an unknown reason, and my old web host simply did not respond.

Since I wasn’t planning on it and didn’t have proper backups to work with, I’m having some issues with setting it up at the new host.
The worst thing is that the comicpress pages aren’t working (Dog Island and Driftwood) – the navigation is completely fucked and I have not found a solution yet.
Could it really be that the easiest solution is to rebuild the entire sites from scratch … T^T

Stay tuned I guess V`(oo)´;V


I figured it out, but not before I re-uploaded every single one of the Dog Island pages haha …
The navigation/connection between the comic posts in Comicpress (or WordPress) was lost somewhere in the migration, so the navigation wasn’t working and the “next” and “previous” buttons were gone.
But it turns out all I have to do is re-categorize the posts.
1. Rename the old categories (also rename the slugs/shorthands) under “Posts -> Categories” in WordPress
2. Create new categories under “Comicpress -> Storyline structure”, using the names of the categories you want to have (i.e. the old names, or better ones)
3. Go through all 408 posts and change the category to the new ones I just created – et voilà, the navigation is back and working!
4. Delete the old broken categories (if you want – on my sites they don’t get displayed anyway if they have no posts)

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