Inktober 2019

I didn’t do all 31 days in 2019, either. Here are the ones I did, following the official Inktober prompt list.

Day 1: Ring
There is a fairy ring in my lawn. Only 5-6 mushrooms grew in it so far, but clearly arranged in a neat circle, around the black mulberry.

Day 2: Mindless (callcenter life)

Day 3: Bait
I bought a writing cabinet on that very day in real life, and since I’d been watching a lot of horror movies (hello Ari Aster) and listening to a lot of horror books lately (Stephen King really awakens my own drive to tell stories), I imagined that there could indeed be something wrong with it …. But maybe the spirits in it are kind of nice and cute, at least once you get to know them? :3

Day 4: Freeze
The Netto bag is a Pusher reference …

Day 8: I missed a few days because I was too busy, so here is a Husky being Built in this Enchanted and Frail puppy!
Soundtrack: My Dying Bride – The Cry of Mankind

Day 9: Swing
How I was feeling after the day’s nazi terrorist attack in the streets of Halle that I know well. In his manifesto the shooter raged against Jews, Turks and feminists. He tried to break into the synagogue during the Yom Kippur service (“Jews”), but failed, and shot dead a woman in the street (“feminist”), and then shot dead a man and wounded several others outside Kiez Döner in Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße (“Turks”). Before the police released information about the perpetrator, “of course” plenty of people were claiming it must be an islamist (because only islamists would hate Jews, other immigrants and women nowadays, right) …

Day 10: Pattern (piebald)
October 10th is my little princess Mitsu’s birthday. Here she was playing with her friend Lisa in Hannover, a Jack Russell who had the confidence to challenge our muscle mountain of an Akita …

Day 11: Snow
I miss snow (real snow with no salt in it), and I miss these guys. ♡ The background is kind of copied off the very nice painting “March” by Yury Matushevsky.

Day 21: Treasure
The night before I dreamt that I was at a small private concert where Bruce Springsteen presented an illustrated book of children’s songs he had written, about the adventures of cute little piggies …! It was the nicest dream I’d had in a long time, a real treasure. Perhaps it wasn’t totally out of character for Bruce Springsteen – he’s done many funny and cute performances like the story he acts out here with Clarence Clemons. 🙂 The best part about my dream is that it was triggered by a South Park episode I watched, where Cartman refuses to get vaccinated and screams like a piggy and runs around and nobody can catch him, which apparently triggered memories of my piggy Sergei, who had very similar reactions to various things he didn’t like … And Sergei loved to listen to Bruce Springsteen – it would always calm him down. So in my dream Bruce Springsteen had written a bunch of songs especially for and about my little piggy child ♥ ;___;

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