
After a very stressful week I decided that today I didn’t care about anything but cutting some hedges.

In my garden I have some  rather annoying hedges of very fast growing boxwood. What stops me from actually disliking them is that all kinds of animals and insects (especially lovely spiders) like to hang out in them.

I need to cut them down as much as I can before the spiders and other insects come out. I recently got a fancy electric rechargeable hedge clipper for the task, but it turns out that its battery life is really lame when faced with the amount of hedge that I have.

This is as much as it could do on one charge:

2,5 sections out of 12. :o( At least not all sections are this thick.

(While I was cutting the hedges, of course my neighbour to the left had to come out and rake something right on the other side of the fence. When I quit, he went back inside. O_o I wish these boxwood hedges were along the fence instead … Then I would never cut them. Well, at least he’s just curious/a pervert, not unpleasant.)

I gave in and also got a good old fashioned pair of hedge scissors, so I can spend the next few weeks building enormous arm muscles whenever the electric cutter runs out of battery … V`(oo)´V

Apparently there will still be some frosts, so I still have some time. *checks latest weather report* Crap, no frost this weekend after all …! V^(oo)^;V

But it’s clearly spring now.

Some crocuses are blooming. And today I saw my first butterfly of the year. It was yellow, so I guess my summer will be fun. Whee …

Yay, right in my vegetable bed … Probably the layers of wet newspaper that I put in the bottom weren’t thick enough. :o/

The hazel bush has little tails all over it too.

I checked my well pump, and it is indeed broken. One part has freeze damage and needs to be replaced. Unfortunately OBI didn’t have that part by itself, just the entire pump.
And in any case I have no idea how I could possibly get the damaged part off the pump. It sits like solid rock. V^(oo)^;V I have to ask my landlords if there is some special trick to it …

Over the course of the day I got a massive headache. Probably on one hand because the sun had been digging around in my brain all day, and on the other hand because of some stress-release thing. I didn’t have any aspirin there, so my plans to draw comics in the late afternoon and evening fell through, and I had to go back to the city early. Dammit.

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3 Responses to “Spring”
  1. Ainur says:

    Jag vill också se blommor… och grönt och gult… Fast snön smälte i rasande fart i dag, baby steps.

  2. Valentin says:

    Alltså… jag blev så charmad av din trädgård att jag nu har suttit och bläddrat bakåt i hela “trailer trash” arkivet. Jävlar vad mysigt det ser ut! Supercharmigt! Jag är vansinnigt avundsjuk och nu sitter jag och surfar efter torp, och det är helt ditt fel. 😉

    Lycka till med pumpen — Det är ju nästan synd att du inte äger stället och kan investera i något som håller för en kall vinter.

  3. Tinet says:

    Hehe, tack! ♥

    Jag ska bygga något slags tjockt isolerad låda som jag kan stjälpa över pumpen nästa år, så kanske den håller … Reservdelen är inte dyr, men det är lite jobbigt att byta ut den. :o/
    Egentligen borde man bygga ett helt pumphus omkring den, men det finns det inte riktigt plats för …