Driftwood 8 32

Driftwood 8 32

I’ve been talking a lot about Russian names, but what about Czech names?

Willie’s name is Wilma Čapeková.
Actually the normal Czech way of spelling her first name would be Vilma, but her parents anglicized it. (No, they didn’t get it from the Flintstones … Willie’s parents would never watch such capitalist propaganda.)
“-ová” is the feminine suffix that is added to surnames. The Czech have the funny (and maybe kind of sexist) habit of czechicizing foreign women writers’ last names by adding an “-ová” to their names. For example, Astrid Lindgren is Astrid Lindgrenová in the Czech translations of her books.

I wish I knew Czech. Then I could entertain myself endlessly by letting Willie, Aeron and Eva talk Czech and Russian, have funny misunderstandings and make fun of each other. (As if they aren’t already entertaining me endlessly in English …)

Discussion (5)¬

  1. Ainur says:

    I cried a little.

  2. bubu says:

    Mää itkin kans…

  3. Tinet says:

    Mua pelottaa …

  4. Aidan says:

    Aww, this is really sweet. Well done Tinet.

  5. Tinet says:

    Thank you!
    I’m really nervous about this scene and had to redraw pretty much every panel in this page at least ten times … V`(oo)´;V