Driftwood 8 21

Driftwood 8 21

Okay, I gave in and split the EPIC SHIP LOADING SCENE into two different shots. Combined with the sloppy rushed inking, it’s now less epic than originally intended. Oh well.

Recently I saw a film for a change that I actually liked for the most part, in spite of the rather Christian thematics – Children of Men. It has a pretty decent plot, likeable characters (even the main character!), and, most importantly, lots of doggies and kitties.

Oh, and this has got to be my greatest dream job: collecting whale poop with the help of a doggie. (Thanks, Ainur!)

* * *

One fun way of testing whether a fictional couple is perhaps too gender stereotypical or stupid in general is to try swapping the genders. I did that with Eva and her boyfriend Ting Yay from her spinoff comics once (as part of a DeviantArt meme), and it was kind of fun, though I do prefer them with their original genders.

What about Willie and Aeron? …

I was a bit worried that the age difference would be more disturbing this way around, but with the personalities they have it’s just fine.

Heh, maybe I like them even more with swapped genders. :3

Discussion (2)¬

  1. Aidan says:

    Very nice ship unloading scenes anyhow. And it’s good to see no lingering awkwardness between Willie and Aeron (though that might return when she’s less wasted?)

    . . . . .

    Regarding ‘Children of Men’: It’s a great film, in my opinion, and it’s not actually as Christian as all that. Not when you consider that the book it is based of *is* a ‘Chrisitan fable’, in the words of the author, and it is really *quite* bad. For the movie they took out most of the Christianity to make an incredibly bleak story in the ‘future fiction’ genre.

  2. Tinet says:

    Aww, thanks. :3
    Now Willie just doesn’t have enough energy to hold up her shields, so probably some awkwardness would return. *Unless* ……… ;o)
    (Actually, I’m not even sure myself how this situation will resolve.)

    Yeah, I read a bit about the book Children of Men is based on, and it seems to be one of the rare films that are better than the books they are based on. I agree, it’s a great film!