Driftwood 8 20

Driftwood 8 20

Update notice, October 18th:
EPIC SHIP LOADING SCENE is kicking my ass. But the page will be done tomorrow for sure. V`(oo)´V

* * *

Okay, I had to read through chapter 8 so far to check if anything had actually happened in the story. And I was surprised to see that, yes, some things have actually happened in the story. Phew.

Chapter 8 has always been a big blank spot in my drafts, summed up in something like “Willie makes up her mind”, but I never knew exactly how it was going to happen. Now that I’ve actually gotten to this part my brain just randomly keeps vomiting up all these chunks of story that I have no control over but that do seem to be working somehow.

Discussion (4)¬

  1. Ainur says:

    Eva’s head in the first panel is very nice!

  2. Tinet says:

    And here I didn’t like it at all (too much like some sort of troll?!) and wanted to redraw it!

  3. Ainur says:

    Eva IS some sort of troll. The kind that lures young men into mountains and gobbles them up.